Fostering a common culture
of research integrity

Support for stakeholders

In order to support the actors of scientific integrity in the French regulatory context, Ofis produces notes, memos and factsheets and distributes the productions of RESINT (Network of Research Integrity Officers)

Research Performing Organizations

Memo for the appointment of a research integrity officer
Terms for the deferral of a research integrity officer

Complying with Article 4 of Decree No. 2021-1572 of December 3, 2021, the French Office for Research Integrity (Ofis) of the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) has issued recommendations on the terms for the deferral procedure of a RI officer, aimed at strengthening the credibility of procedures for handling reports of possible breaches of research integrity.

According to these recommendations, heads of the institutions and foundations may ask Ofis to suggest one or more names of ad hoc officers or experts in order to set up an ad hoc committee. To answer to these requests, Ofis has implemented a 7-points internal procedure.

Factsheet : Research integrity in the French legal framework

This factsheet provides an update on the latest legislative changes in this area (2020 research programming law and implementation decree of December 3, 2021)

Illustration Ofis référent à l'intégrité scientifique
Illustration Référents Ofis

Research integrity officers

Memo for the appointment of a RI officer
Guide for the collection and processing of reports on research integrity

(produced by RESINT, November 2018)

Benchmarks for the implementation of the procedure for collecting and processing reports on research integrity, in compliance with the GDPR

(RESINT production, 2019)

Doctoral schools, doctoral candidates and supervisors

Factsheets : Doctoral oath of research integrity

Every new PhD, in France, must now take an oath at the time of the defense of their thesis.
In a factsheet, Ofis presents the framework and legal status of the oath, its implications and its scope.
An associated document retraces the genesis of the implementation of the oath in France and introduces additional resources and references.

Illustration Ofis amphi