Article 9 of the decree of November 29, 2021 on the organization of Hcéres states that Ofis has an advisory board.
The Ofis adisory board is made up of 12 members appointed intuitu personae for a term of two or four years, depending on the needs for renewal by half of the council.
Head of Science and Technology Section, The Conversation France
1st mandate, end in 2025
Evelyne Decullier
Research Project Manager, Public Health Unit, Hospices Civils de Lyon
1st mandate, end in 2025
University Professor, University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas
2nd mandate, ends in 2027
Emmanuel DIDIER
Research Director, CNRS, member of the CCNE
2nd mandate, ends in 2027
University Professor, Vice-President in charge of Digital, Data and Open Science, University of Lorraine
1st mandate, ends in 2025
Lawyer and Medical Ethics Officer, President of Z Consulting, former Director of the Education and Integrity Division of the U.S. Office of Research Integrity
1st mandate, ends in 2025
Matthieu keller
Research Director, CNRS
1st mandate, ends in 2027
Laurence PRUVOST
Research Director, CNRS
1st mandate, ends in 2025
Nicolas Rougier
Research Director, INRIA
1st mandate, ends in 2027
Retired, president of the Materalia competitiveness cluster, president of the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials
1st mandate, ends in 2025
Alexandre Serres
University Professor, Rennes 2 University
1st mandate, ends in 2027
Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Academic Ethics, vice-president of the European Network of Scientific Integrity Offices
1st mandate, ends in 2027